Organisations, Programmes, and Projects
Meio Ambiente (Environmental Department), City of Belo Horizonte
Description: programs, projects and climate change committee
Fundação Estadual do Meio Ambiente (FEAM- State Environment Department), Minas Gerais
Description: projects for environmental assessment, management, protection
REDE (Alternative technologies exchange network)
Description: non-profit focusing on agroecology and sustainability at the regional level
Reports and Policies
Sustainable City Plan, City of Belo Horizonte
Description: Mitigation plan that includes adaptation initiatives
O problema é a chuva? (Is rain the problem?) Região metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
Description: e-book on climate change and urban planning
Análise de vulnerabilidade às mudanças climáticas do município de Belo Horizonte
(Vulnerability to climate change assessment in the municipality of Belo Horizonte), City of Belo Horizonte
Description: identifies key vulnerabilities and hot spots and builds a resilience approach
Estudo de Vulnerabilidade Regional às Mudanças Climáticas de Minas Gerais (regional vulnerability to climate change study), FEAM
Description: climate, impacts, factors, vulnerabilities, and capacities
Academic Articles
Ferreira, Daniele Gomes, Assis, Eleonora Sad de, & Katzschner, Lutz. (2017). Construção de um mapa climático analítico para a cidade de Belo Horizonte, Brasil (Building an urban climatic analysis map for Belo Horizonte). Revista Brasileira de Gestão Urbana, 9(Suppl. 1), 255-270.
Description: Quantitative mapping in relation to thermal load
Bittencourt F. et al. (2018) Climate Vulnerability Index: A Case Study for the City of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. In: Leal Filho W., Esteves de Freitas L. (eds) Climate Change Adaptation in Latin America. Climate Change Management. Springer, Cham.
Description: integrated GIS approach to create an index and map