Adapt Chile
Description: network for municipalities with adaptation projects
Santiago, C40 Cities
Description: city profile and case studies
Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago
Description: policies and programs for the region
Fundación Terram
Description: environmental non-profit
Organisations, Programmes, and Projects
Adapt Chile
Description: network for municipalities with adaptation projects
Santiago, C40 Cities
Description: city profile and case studies
Gobierno Regional Metropolitano de Santiago
Description: policies and programs for the region
Fundación Terram
Description: environmental non-profit
Santiago Humano y Resiliente, RMS
Description: explains the concept, context and challenges of resilience in Santiago with a six pillar strategy
Estrategia de Resiliencia: Cambio Climático en la Región Metropolitana de Santiago (Resilience strategy: climate change in the Santiago region), Centro de Cambio Global UC, Green Lab UC, CEDEUS UC
Description: climate mitigation and adaptation strategy that characterizes vulnerabilities and outlines future scenarios
Cortés, G., Schaller, S., Rojas, M., Garcia, L., Descalzi, A., Vargas, L., & McPhee, J. (2012). Assessment of the current climate and expected climate changes in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile. Leipzig: UFZ-Discussion Paper.
Description: quantitative downscaling analysis to understand the hydrometeorological changes in the region
Academic articles
Inostroza, Luis, Palme, Massimo, & De la Barrera, Francisco. (2016). A Heat Vulnerability Index: Spatial Patterns of Exposure, Sensitivity and Adaptive Capacity for Santiago de Chile. PloS One, 11(9), E0162464.
Description: use GIS, remote-sensing and principal component analysis to develop a vulnerability index
Bonelli, Sebastián, Vicuña, Sebastián, Meza, Francisco J, Gironás, Jorge, & Barton, Jonathan. (2014). Incorporating climate change adaptation strategies in urban water supply planning: The case of central Chile. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 5(3), 357-376.
Description: modelling to propose and evaluate adaptation options for water resources
Krellenberg K., Hansjürgens B. (eds) Climate Adaptation Santiago. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Description: book focusing on urbanization and climate adaptation, especially natural hazards, energy and water
Barton, Jonathan Richard, Krellenberg, Kerstin, & Harris, Jordan Michael. (2014). Collaborative governance and the challenges of participatory climate change adaptation planning in Santiago de Chile. Climate and Development, 7(2), 175-184.
Description: case study outlining the collaborative governance approach used to develop Santiago’s adaptation plan
Barton, J.R. (2013). Climate change adaptive capacity in Santiago de Chile: Creating a governance regime for sustainability planning. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 37(6), 1916–1933.
Description: explores the governance challenges of the water and energy sectors
Krellenberg, K., Müller, A., Schwarz, A., Höfer, R., & Welz, J. (2013). Flood and heat hazards in the Metropolitan Region of Santiago de Chile and the socio-economics of exposure. Applied Geography, 38, 86–95.
Description: explores connection between land-use change and climate changes such as flooding and heat waves
Müller, A., Reiter, J., & Weiland, U. (2011). Assessment of urban vulnerability towards floods using an indicator-based approach – a case study for Santiago de Chile. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 11, 2107–2123.
Description: mixed method and multi-scale approach to develop a vulnerability map
Additional resources
Climate change projections of temperature and precipitation in Chile based on statistical downscaling. D. Araya‑Osses, A. Casanueva, C. Román-Figueroa, J. Manuel Uribe & Manuel Paneque.
The economic impacts of climate change on the Chilean agricultural sector. A non-linear agricultural supply model. R. Ponce, M. Blanco & C. Giupponi
Promoted Urbanization of the Countryside: The Case of Santiago’s Periphery, Chile (1980–2017). V. J. Barrado, J. L. Suckel, B. T. Olhabé & F. C. Cona
Resilience to climate change: from theory to practice through co-production of knowledge in Chile. R. Borquez, P. Aldunce & Carolina Adler.
Ecological Planning in Santiago, Chile. How Far Are We? Classification of Planning Initiatives Based on a Brief Literature Review. M. C. Picon, F. de la Barrera, S. Reyes, R. Forray & A. Berrizbeitia.
Adaptive Capacity as Local Sustainable Development: Contextualizing and Comparing Risks and Resilience in Two Chilean Regions. J. R. Barton, F, Gutiérrez-Antinopai & M. Escalona Ulloa.
Climate Change Adaptive Capacity in Santiago de Chile: Creating a Governance Regime for Sustainability Planning. J. R. Barton.