Peri-urban-climate scoping
Using visual thinking for the deeper complexity of peri-urban-climate interactions, here are two images. The first is a flip-chart sketch and overview of the problem. The second is a 'causal mapping' from the Peri-cene Framework, with basic problems and pathways. For more see the Guangzhou Pathways:

Causal analysis
This puts the mapping above into an analytic for with a summary table. For more see the Guangzhou analysis:
(In advance of consultation this version is a comparison of our two detailed case studies).

Climate hazard
(World Bank data profile for Guangzhou)
Extreme heat - High
Wildfire - High
Water scarcity - Medium
River flood - High
Urban flood - High
Coastal flood - High
Cyclone - High
Tsunami - Medium
Landslide - Low
Earthquake - Low
Volcano - No data
Spatial mapping
The Peri-cene takes a practical approach to the complexity of peri-urban-climate interactions. The base-maps here build on the JRC-GHSL (Global Human Settlements Layer) system of urban mapping with 1 km2 cells . In this way the peri-urban definition and mapping is not a final answer, but the start of the discussion. For more on the questions of 'where is the peri-urban?' and 'how is it changing?' download the D3-1 report.
Population density map
This shows three population density bands: 0-50, 50-125, and 125-300 persons/km2: (transparent for open land, and then green and yellow cells). These are in different proximities to the main urban centres, for the moment defined by distances (from the urban centre), of 0-20, 20-40, and 40-60km: titled 'near-urban', 'near-urban: further urban: and ex-urban / peri-rural'.

Population change map
Content coming soon.
Climate projections: coastal flooding
Including sea level rise, tidal, and storm surge effects, this is a 'reasonable worst case scenario' for 2080, with reduced policy and pessimistic modelling. This is based on the mapping from

Climate projections: temperature effects
(Top & middle parts include):
- temperature uplift and precipitation uplift, projected with the central ‘A1B’ scenario, for 2080-2100. Source: IPCC - AR4 - WG1 - Chapter 11-1 -
(Lower part includes):
- Comparison of projected temperature rise under B1, A1B, A2 emissions scenarios: Source - IPCC - AR4 - WG1 - Chapter 11-1
- Peak wet bulb temperatures 1979-2017: (note TW of 30-350 can be lethal). Source :
- Fire (2020 summer period) & forest cover maps (>30% canopy cover): Source

IPCC-WG1 2016
Global Forest Watch